The Power of Augmented Reality:

Even though we’ve seen the potential of AR to make our lives easier (in tech-focused sci-fi shows like Netlix’s Black Mirror), in the real world, a lot of the big glob...

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Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) have been synonymous with the worlds of gaming and entertainment over the past decade. And, while using AR has become much more mainstream, it started out as far back as 1968 as this obscure concept that people couldn’t quite get their heads around. Although, the term AR was only invented in 1990.

It is defined as “an enhanced version of reality created by the use of technology to overlay digital information on an image of something being viewed through a device (like a smartphone camera)”. VR, while the more popular cousin of AR, is a more immersive technology, as it completely blocks out the physical world.

Even though we’ve seen the potential of AR to make our lives easier (in tech-focused sci-fi shows like Netlix’s Black Mirror), in the real world, a lot of the big global brands have been rapidly adopting VR in their business models. For the tech-savvy entrepreneur, this is a very exciting opportunity that’s worth investing in and following through with.

AR in the real world

The two most common kinds of AR involve location-based realities and recognition features. You can easily access these from smartphones that have GPS, cameras and several other built-in sensors. 

An example of both location and recognition-based AR is the popular gaming app Pokémon GO. Since its hyped release in mid-2016, to masses of eager fans, it has continued to grow in user, from 84 million active users in the US (its main market) at launch to over 311 million in 2020, with billions of dollars spent by users on the app.

One of the contributing factors is the rapid worldwide adoption of smartphones over the past decade with over 3.8 billion users estimated in 2021—an all-time high. This number’s expected to keep growing over the next few years.

For entrepreneurs, this is the best time to harness the power of smartphones, by exploring ways to incorporate AR into their brand strategies. Think about how you’d like to see your brand from a user’s perspective, through their phone camera.

Global impact

AR can be applied to almost every sector, healthcare, automotive, industrial and entertainment. It has had a positive impact in multiple sectors, with usage continuing to grow each year in several major economies. The gaming sector continues to have the largest AR adoption share.

The economic impact of AR is undeniable, with its usage estimated to contribute over $450 billion to global GDP by 2030. When you combine this with VR, in what is known as mixed reality, the expected impact is even higher at over $1.5 trillion by 2030. 

The US holds the lion’s share of AR adoption and spending, with AR and VR expected to boost its GDP to the tune of $537 billion by 2030. Jobs will also be impacted, with an expected boost to over 2.3 million jobs by 2030.

Regions, such as the UAE, have seen rapid adoption of AR and VR, where its GDP is expected to be boosted by $4.1 billion by 2030 while enhancing almost 43,000 jobs. There’s no denying that shifting realities will play a major role in the future of our industry.

The world is changing, so take note

Technology keeps getting better each year, with devices becoming smaller, cheaper, faster and more powerful. At the same time, content is more engaging, with ultra-fast internet speeds making sharing easier.

In addition, consumer behaviour is changing, with one global study suggesting that 76% of consumers would rather spend their money on experiences than on material things. There are two major trends happening right now:

  • Experiences are better. Consumers want to say they did something rather than bought something. They should be able to remember your brand and the connections they made with other people through the experiences you helped create.

  • Mental health awareness is growing. Around the globe, brands and entrepreneurs have the opportunity to create AR experiences that lift the moods of their consumers, to help them deal with everyday stresses, depression and anxiety.

Consumers are also becoming more socially and environmentally aware.

Benefits of AR

Technology should always be expected to solve challenges rather than be a distraction from reality. Generally, using AR should transform the organisation by cutting costs and increasing efficiency,, making life easier. Let’s take a look at some examples of where AR can be applied in the real world to solve real problems.

  • Retail convenience: For salespeople, instead of moving around with printed brochures and catalogues, they can show potential customers a 3D version of their products using AR. This is especially good for products that are hard to move around.

With AR being a mainly informative technology, customers may also benefit through seeing prices and other details of products displayed on their screen, when they walk into a store with their smart device.

  • Customised user experience: With the growing emphasis on memories over things, providing personalised experiences becomes more important. People are using AR to watch ads in real-time, or watch shows of their favourite musician, right from their kitchen.

  • Training: This can be expensive, particularly where there’s a lot of equipment involved. AR helps by cutting down the need to travel or move around medical equipment, for example. Difficult medical procedures can be practiced by trainee physicians simultaneously, with limited restrictions.

Future of AR

While AR has been incorporated in the vehicle sector (through heads-up displays in some premium cars), this trend is expected to continue in the near future with adoption becoming more mainstream. New and improved smart glasses, such as rumoured Apple AR Glasses, are expected to enter the market at more affordable prices and stand a good chance of capturing the commercial market if this comes to pass.

Smartphones are expected to continue to lead the adoption of AR as they are found in almost every pocket. Holographic AR is expected to increase, particularly in areas like education. This is useful during a global pandemic, for example, with students viewing their instructor through a compatible device. 

As we can see, the opportunities for entrepreneurs are endless through AR. If you can find a mode of application that fits your business model - the sky's the limit.

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Want to know more about how Digital Grind can help you up your AR game and create something your consumers will love? Contact us. 

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Brandon Busuttil
10 years immersion in the marketing, events and digital sectors, accompanied by an honours degree in Marketing Management. An unmistakable passion for connecting brands and people, fuelled by an entrepreneurial ‘make–it–happen’ approach to life.

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Discover the transformative power of DevOps in software development. Explore collaboration, efficiency, and continuous improvement.


DevOps is a transformative approach to software development that has gained significant traction in the modern business landscape. It focuses on breaking down the traditional silos between development and operations teams to foster collaboration, efficiency, and continuous improvement. In this blog, we will delve into the world of DevOps and explore how its practices can benefit businesses.

What is DevOps?

DevOps is a software development approach that combines development (Dev) and operations (Ops) teams to streamline the software delivery process. It aims to break down the traditional barriers between these teams and promote collaboration, communication, and shared responsibility throughout the development lifecycle.

At its core, DevOps is guided by several principles and objectives. First, it emphasizes close collaboration and integration between development and operations teams, ensuring that both sides work together seamlessly to achieve common goals. This collaboration eliminates the traditional handoffs and silos that often lead to delays, miscommunication, and inefficiencies.

Another key principle of DevOps is the automation of processes. By automating tasks such as code deployment, testing, and infrastructure provisioning, DevOps enables faster and more reliable software delivery. Automation reduces the risk of human error and accelerates the feedback loop, allowing teams to iterate and improve their software continuously.

DevOps also places a strong emphasis on continuous improvement. It encourages teams to adopt a culture of learning, experimentation, and feedback. By continuously assessing and optimizing processes, DevOps teams strive for greater efficiency, quality, and customer satisfaction.

By bridging the gap between development and operations, DevOps fosters collaboration and efficiency. Development teams gain a deeper understanding of operational challenges and considerations, while operations teams become more involved in the development process, providing valuable insights and feedback. This close collaboration leads to faster feedback cycles, quicker issue resolution, and ultimately, the delivery of high-quality software products that meet user needs and exceed expectations.

Streamlined Development and Deployment

DevOps practices bring significant improvements to software development and deployment cycles, enabling organizations to deliver software faster and more frequently. This streamlined approach offers numerous benefits, including increased productivity, shorter time-to-market, and improved software quality.

Continuous integration (CI) is a fundamental DevOps practice that involves regularly merging code changes into a shared repository. This process allows development teams to detect and address integration issues early on, promoting collaboration and reducing the risk of conflicts. By automating the CI process, developers can build, test, and validate their code changes quickly and efficiently.

Continuous delivery (CD) builds upon CI by automating the release process, allowing organizations to deliver software updates more frequently and reliably. With CD, software changes undergo a series of automated tests and checks before being deployed into production. This ensures that only stable and tested code reaches the end-users, reducing the likelihood of bugs and issues. The ability to deploy software updates rapidly and consistently gives organizations a competitive edge in rapidly evolving markets.

Automated testing is an essential component of DevOps practices, enabling organizations to achieve efficient and reliable software releases. Automated tests, including unit tests, integration tests, and performance tests, are executed automatically as part of the CI/CD pipeline. By automating the testing process, organizations can detect bugs and issues early, ensuring the software's functionality, stability, and performance. This reduces the need for manual testing, saves time, and improves the overall quality of the software.

By adopting DevOps practices, organizations can streamline their development and deployment processes, allowing for faster and more frequent software releases. Continuous integration, continuous delivery, and automated testing contribute to efficient and reliable software releases, empowering organizations to meet customer demands, respond to market changes, and stay ahead of the competition.

Enhanced Collaboration and Communication (200-250 words)

DevOps practices promote improved collaboration and communication among cross-functional teams, breaking down silos and fostering a culture of shared responsibilities. By promoting collaboration and knowledge sharing, DevOps enables teams to work together more effectively, resulting in improved efficiency and better outcomes.

One of the key benefits of DevOps is the breaking down of silos that traditionally exist between development, operations, and other teams involved in the software development lifecycle. DevOps encourages these teams to work together, share their expertise, and collaborate on decision-making processes. This collaborative approach helps to eliminate bottlenecks and delays caused by fragmented workflows, resulting in faster and more efficient development cycles.

By fostering shared responsibilities, DevOps encourages teams to take ownership of the entire software development and deployment process. Rather than operating in isolated silos, individuals across different functions collaborate and contribute to the success of the project. This shared responsibility mindset promotes a sense of accountability and empowers team members to make informed decisions that benefit the overall project.

Knowledge sharing is a fundamental aspect of DevOps culture. It encourages team members to openly share their knowledge, skills, and experiences with one another. This knowledge sharing helps to spread best practices, learn from past experiences, and avoid repeating mistakes. It also promotes continuous learning and professional development within the team.

Feedback loops play a vital role in DevOps collaboration and communication. By establishing feedback mechanisms, teams can collect insights, identify areas for improvement, and address any issues or bottlenecks promptly. Feedback loops enable teams to iterate and refine their processes continuously, leading to continuous improvement and higher quality outcomes.

Scalability and Flexibility

DevOps practices facilitate scalability and flexibility in meeting changing business demands. By adopting DevOps principles, organizations can leverage technologies such as infrastructure as code (IaC) and cloud computing to achieve efficient resource allocation and scale their systems as needed.

Infrastructure as code (IaC) is a fundamental concept in DevOps that allows infrastructure provisioning and management through code rather than manual processes. With IaC, organizations can define and manage their infrastructure using configuration files, scripts, or declarative code. This approach provides several benefits for scalability and flexibility. It allows for the rapid provisioning of infrastructure resources, enabling teams to scale up or down their infrastructure based on demand. Additionally, IaC ensures consistency and reproducibility, as the infrastructure configuration is version-controlled and can be easily replicated across different environments.

Cloud computing plays a pivotal role in the scalability and flexibility enabled by DevOps. Cloud platforms offer on-demand access to a vast array of computing resources, including virtual machines, storage, and networking. By leveraging cloud services, organizations can scale their infrastructure resources dynamically, adjusting capacity based on real-time demands. This elasticity allows businesses to handle spikes in traffic, accommodate growth, and optimize resource utilization.

Furthermore, cloud platforms provide additional services and tools that support scalability and flexibility. For example, auto-scaling features automatically adjust resources based on predefined rules or metrics, ensuring optimal performance and cost-efficiency. Load balancers distribute traffic across multiple instances, preventing bottlenecks and enhancing scalability. Database scaling options enable organizations to handle increasing data volumes without compromising performance.

In combination, infrastructure as code (IaC) and cloud computing provide organizations with the ability to scale their infrastructure resources quickly and efficiently. DevOps practices leverage these technologies to ensure that businesses can adapt to changing demands, handle increased workloads, and optimize resource allocation, ultimately enabling them to deliver products and services more effectively and meet customer expectations.

Improved Stability and Reliability

DevOps practices contribute to improved stability and reliability of software systems. By implementing proactive monitoring, automated error detection, and efficient incident response, organizations can ensure high system availability and deliver a seamless and dependable experience to their users.

Proactive monitoring is a critical aspect of maintaining system stability. DevOps teams implement monitoring tools and practices to gather real-time data on system performance, resource utilization, and user behavior. This enables them to identify potential issues or bottlenecks before they escalate, allowing for prompt action and proactive optimization. Through continuous monitoring, organizations can ensure that their systems are running optimally, anticipate potential problems, and make informed decisions to prevent service disruptions.

Automated error detection is another essential component of maintaining system stability. DevOps practices encourage the implementation of automated testing and quality assurance processes, including unit tests, integration tests, and performance tests. By automating the detection of errors and inconsistencies, organizations can identify issues early in the development cycle and address them proactively. This reduces the likelihood of critical issues reaching production environments, minimizing downtime and enhancing system reliability.

Efficient incident response is essential for ensuring high system availability. DevOps teams establish incident response procedures and workflows to handle potential disruptions effectively. By having well-defined incident management processes, organizations can respond swiftly to incidents, minimize downtime, and restore services promptly. DevOps practices also emphasize post-incident analysis and learning, enabling teams to identify root causes, implement preventive measures, and continuously improve system stability and reliability.

By integrating proactive monitoring, automated error detection, and efficient incident response into their DevOps practices, organizations can enhance the stability and reliability of their software systems. This leads to improved system availability, reduced downtime, and ultimately, a better user experience. The focus on continuous improvement and proactive measures ensures that businesses can deliver reliable and dependable services to their customers, building trust and loyalty in the process.

Cost Optimization

DevOps practices can lead to cost optimization by minimizing wasteful processes and improving resource utilization. By leveraging cloud-based infrastructure and automated provisioning, organizations can reduce infrastructure costs and optimize their spending.

DevOps practices eliminate wasteful processes by streamlining workflows and automating repetitive tasks. Continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines remove manual handoffs and reduce the risk of errors and delays. By automating tasks such as code builds, testing, and deployments, organizations can save time and resources, resulting in cost savings.

Cloud-based infrastructure is a key enabler of cost optimization in DevOps. Cloud platforms offer flexible and scalable infrastructure resources on a pay-as-you-go basis. This eliminates the need for upfront investments in physical hardware and allows organizations to scale resources up or down based on demand. By leveraging cloud services, businesses can avoid the costs associated with managing and maintaining on-premises infrastructure, leading to significant cost savings.

Automated provisioning, facilitated by infrastructure as code (IaC), further contributes to cost optimization. With IaC, organizations can define and provision infrastructure resources programmatically, reducing the time and effort required for manual setup. This automation ensures consistent and reproducible infrastructure deployments while minimizing the risk of errors. By automating the provisioning process, organizations can optimize resource allocation, avoid overprovisioning, and reduce unnecessary costs.

By adopting DevOps practices, organizations can optimize costs by eliminating wasteful processes, leveraging cloud-based infrastructure, and automating provisioning. These practices not only improve resource utilization but also reduce infrastructure costs, leading to overall cost savings for the organization. By focusing on cost optimization alongside development and operational efficiency, DevOps enables businesses to achieve a balance between maximizing value and minimizing expenses.

Security and Compliance

DevOps practices address security concerns and compliance requirements by integrating security measures throughout the development lifecycle and implementing security-focused testing and monitoring.

DevOps promotes a proactive and holistic approach to security. Security considerations are embedded into every stage of the development process, from design and coding to testing and deployment. By implementing secure coding practices, conducting regular security assessments, and performing vulnerability scans, organizations can identify and mitigate potential security risks early on. This helps in reducing the chances of security breaches and ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data.

Continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines in DevOps enable the automated execution of security-focused tests. This includes static code analysis, vulnerability scanning, and penetration testing. These tests help identify security vulnerabilities and weaknesses in the application code and infrastructure configuration. By addressing these issues in a timely manner, organizations can proactively improve the security posture of their systems.

Monitoring and incident response are also essential components of a secure DevOps practice. By implementing robust monitoring and logging mechanisms, organizations can detect and respond to security incidents promptly. Real-time monitoring helps identify unauthorized access attempts, unusual behavior patterns, or potential breaches, allowing organizations to take immediate action to mitigate risks and prevent further damage.

In addition, DevOps teams ensure compliance with industry-specific regulations and standards. By aligning development and operations processes with compliance requirements, organizations can demonstrate adherence to security and privacy guidelines. This includes implementing access controls, encryption measures, and audit trails to protect sensitive data and meet regulatory obligations.

By adopting DevOps practices, organizations can address security concerns and compliance requirements effectively. By integrating security measures throughout the development lifecycle, implementing security-focused testing and monitoring, and ensuring compliance with industry standards, DevOps teams can build secure and compliant software systems. This approach enhances the organization's ability to protect sensitive data, maintain customer trust, and meet regulatory obligations.

Real-World Examples and Case Studies

Real-world examples and case studies showcase the successful implementations of DevOps in various industries. These examples demonstrate the tangible benefits and outcomes achieved by organizations that have embraced DevOps practices.

One notable example is Netflix, a leading provider of streaming services. By adopting a DevOps culture, Netflix has transformed the way video streaming services operate. They have achieved rapid deployment, continuous integration, and continuous delivery. Through automation and infrastructure as code, Netflix can deliver new features and updates to millions of subscribers worldwide seamlessly. This has led to improved customer satisfaction, increased availability, and a highly scalable platform.

Another example is Etsy, a popular e-commerce marketplace. Etsy implemented DevOps practices to enhance collaboration and accelerate software delivery. By adopting continuous integration and deployment, they reduced the time from code commit to production deployment from weeks to hours. This resulted in faster feature releases, shorter feedback loops, and increased customer engagement. Etsy's DevOps implementation also led to improved stability, with a significant reduction in production incidents.

Amazon, a leading global e-commerce platform, has leveraged DevOps to achieve unparalleled scalability and reliability. Their use of infrastructure as code and automated deployment pipelines allows them to handle massive traffic loads during peak shopping seasons. By embracing DevOps, Amazon can rapidly innovate, experiment with new features, and quickly respond to customer demands. This has solidified their position as a trusted and customer-centric online marketplace.

Capital One, a prominent financial services company, embraced DevOps to improve software delivery and enhance customer experience. By implementing continuous integration and delivery, they reduced their time to market for new features and products. This resulted in faster innovation cycles, improved customer satisfaction, and increased competitiveness in the financial industry.

These real-world examples highlight the tangible benefits achieved through successful DevOps implementations. Organizations have experienced faster time to market, improved software quality, enhanced collaboration between teams, and increased operational efficiency. The flexibility, scalability, and reliability enabled by DevOps practices have proven instrumental in driving business success across various industries.

Getting Started with DevOps

Getting started with DevOps requires careful planning and a strategic approach. Here are some practical tips to help businesses embark on their DevOps journey:

  1. Assess your current state: Evaluate your existing development and operations processes, identify pain points, and determine areas for improvement. This assessment will provide a baseline for your DevOps transformation.
  2. Define your goals: Clearly define the objectives you want to achieve with DevOps. Whether it's faster software delivery, improved collaboration, or enhanced customer satisfaction, having well-defined goals will guide your implementation.
  3. Foster a culture of collaboration: DevOps is not just about tools and processes; it's a cultural shift. Encourage collaboration, communication, and shared responsibilities between development and operations teams. Break down silos and promote cross-functional teamwork.
  4. Invest in training and upskilling: Provide training and resources to empower your teams with the skills and knowledge necessary for DevOps. This includes learning automation tools, version control systems, and continuous integration/delivery practices.
  5. Embrace automation: Automate repetitive tasks, such as builds, testing, and deployments, to eliminate manual errors and improve efficiency. Implement infrastructure as code (IaC) to enable automated provisioning and configuration management.
  6. Select the right tools: Choose tools that align with your DevOps goals and support your technology stack. This may include version control systems (e.g., Git), continuous integration tools (e.g., Jenkins), and configuration management tools (e.g., Ansible).
  7. Start with small, incremental changes: DevOps transformation is a journey, not a one-time event. Begin by implementing DevOps practices in a specific project or team, and gradually expand across the organization. Learn from each iteration and continuously improve.

By following these tips, businesses can lay a solid foundation for their DevOps journey. Remember, DevOps is not a one-size-fits-all approach, so tailor your implementation to suit your organization's unique needs and goals. With the right mindset, commitment, and the support of your teams, you can unlock the numerous benefits of DevOps and drive business success.


In conclusion, DevOps practices have become essential for businesses looking to achieve faster, more efficient software delivery and improved overall performance. By adopting DevOps methodologies, businesses can unlock a range of benefits, and partnering with Digital Grind can help you navigate this transformation with ease.

At Digital Grind, we have a team of experienced professionals who specialize in DevOps implementation. Our expertise and industry knowledge allow us to guide businesses through the process of adopting DevOps practices, ensuring a seamless transition and optimal results.

By working with Digital Grind, you can leverage our deep understanding of DevOps principles and tools to streamline your development and deployment processes. We can help you implement continuous integration and continuous delivery, automate testing and monitoring, and establish efficient collaboration and communication channels across your cross-functional teams.

Additionally, our team is well-versed in infrastructure as code (IaC) and cloud computing, enabling us to assist you in scaling your resources effectively and optimizing costs. With our security-focused approach, we prioritize integrating security measures throughout the development lifecycle, ensuring your systems are robust, compliant, and protected against potential threats.

Partnering with Digital Grind means gaining a trusted advisor who will tailor DevOps practices to your unique business requirements. We offer comprehensive support, training, and ongoing guidance to help you embark on your DevOps journey with confidence. Let us help you unlock the full potential of DevOps and propel your business to new heights of success. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you in adopting DevOps practices and achieving your software development goals.

Since the beginning of the digital age, circa the mid-20th century, society has slowly begun to harness the power of information technology. When computers became more...

Since the beginning of the digital age, circa the mid-20th century, society has slowly begun to harness the power of information technology. When computers became more portable and cheaper to manufacture, this meant that more people could access them. Mobile phones and device miniaturisation are continuing to make web accessibility more possible today.

Current statistics show that about 15% of the world's population is considered to be living with some sort of disability. While this is a significant proportion of the human race, it’s quite apparent that most technology is designed with the 85% in mind. 

Not only that, the web should be fully functional for every single person trying to access it, regardless of their software, hardware or location. Meeting this goal ensures accessibility isn’t exclusive to the majority.

What is web accessibility?

Web accessibility refers to the design and development of websites that are accessible to people living with disabilities. While there are various types of disabilities, there are some that make it difficult for some to access certain types of web content. 

Such individuals at times have to use assistive technologies to access it. Examples of these include screen readers, text-to-speech, screen enlargement, voice recognition and word prediction technologies. However, these technologies only work if the principles have been applied by the website creators.

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) are some web accessibility guidelines provided by the World Wide Web Consortium’s (W3C) Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI). The current version of these guidelines is WCAG 2.1, although the newer versions 2.2 and 3 are still under draft.

Why web accessibility is important

People living with disability face a variety of disadvantages in their day-to-day living; one of these is web accessibility. When some individuals aren’t able to fully access the web, particularly due to its design, they are considered a part of the digitally excluded.

Disability inclusion aims to address the barriers posed by information and communication technology as this infringes on some of their basic rights. A person living with disability has a right to access any web service just as much as an able bodied individual.

Improving accessibility for your website helps to address any discrimination that it can potentially pose on people living with disability. Web accessibility means “that people with disabilities can equally perceive, understand, navigate, and interact with websites and tools.”

The four principles: POUR

There are four principles that should be the baseline for the design or development of a website to ensure accessibility. They can also be applied to any other information technology as well. A website should be perceivable, operable, understandable and robust:

  • Perceivable: When it comes to perceivability, this means that the content and user interface elements can be identified using human senses. Generally, vision is the primary one, since websites are usually meant to be read. Secondary senses include sound and touch.

A website or app should be built in a way that ensures that there is alternative access through other senses that may be diminished or missing. This is why there are video captions for those who are partially or completely deaf, for example.

  • Operable: A website’s user interface components (e.g buttons and controls) and any of its interactive parts should be accessible through multiple input tools. The site or app should not have interactions that the user is unable to perform.

The website should also allow for errors, making sure that the user has ample time to fix them. One example of operability is that a website should cater for those who might use only a keyboard, for example, and cannot use a mouse. 

  • Understandable: This refers to a website having consistency in formatting and having predictable patterns. Users should also be able to understand and remember how to navigate the website or app.

In addition, it should provide feedback to users, helping them with any errors. In fact, any potential errors a user may experience should be mitigated against through contextual help. 

  • Robust: For this principle, a website needs to be able to be interpreted well by multiple platforms, devices and other technologies, taking into consideration the functional limits of each of these. Users should have choice with regards to the technology they desire to use to interact with a website or app. Also, the coding needs to be clean to prevent errors.

How to become AAA compliant

There are currently three levels for web accessibility guidelines, according to the WCAG. These are levels A (basic), AA (intermediate) and AAA (optimal). The majority of organisations aim to achieve AA status. Compliance level AAA encompasses the standards of all three levels.

  • Level A aims to meet 25 criteria and is relatively easy to meet. However, these websites are usually difficult for people living with disabilities to use. In general, requirements include the ability to navigate using only a keyboard and having alternative text for content. 
  • Level AA has 38 criteria that the majority of people with or without disabilities have the ability to use. It includes criteria such as having a colour contrast of at least 4.5:1. In addition, alternative text should have meaning.

To become Level AAA compliant, you have to meet all 61 success criteria as provided by the WCAG. To help you, the WCAG provides a checklist

AAA sites are mainly aimed at maximising users and the criteria is very strict. This compliance level is aimed at enabling access to individuals with audiovisual impairments.

Some of the AAA criteria include having a colour contrast level of at least 7:1. In addition, there should be sign language interpretation of media content. Having a variety of accessibility tools is commonplace on AAA sites.

If you are considering a level of compliance you would like to meet, first try and figure out who your target users are. For example, if your website or app is meant for elderly users or those living with disability, then AAA compliance is the way to go.

So, choose a compliance level that suits the needs of both you and your audience. Start taking steps to understand what changes you need to make to your website using the chosen compliance level and watch your audience grow, while better serving your current users.

Author: Brandon Busuttil, MD, Digital Grind

Often, a big decision when starting a new software project is whether or not to outsource development or simply do it in-house. The most common reason for this concern...

Often, a big decision when starting a new software project is whether or not to outsource development or simply do it in-house. The most common reason for this concern to pop up is that companies have heard about bad experiences from friends or colleagues, or they’ve experienced it themselves.

After all, working with third parties can come with its challenges. But as with everything in life, proper planning prevents poor performance - and this applies to outsourcing tasks as much as it does to anything else. 

How does this dilemma come about?

Upgrading software is a critical task for any modern business and can improve a company’s productivity by as much as 50%. Apart from this, new systems are more adaptable and have better security, a key factor in today’s data landscape.

According to Norton, one of the most used antivirus softwares in the world, new software and upgrades can help get rid of old flaws. Hackers and cybercriminals are constantly getting better and you should too, to make sure your company’s data and systems are safe and efficient.

In the same breath, companies don’t always have the resources to allocate time and internal spend to technical projects and need support, to a greater or lesser degree.

5 Questions To Guide You

Every situation and every upgrade is different. It is vital for you to do a thorough analysis of your project, plan out your goals and timeline before deciding who’s going to be responsible for the task of upgrading - and to what extent they’re involved. Key decision-makers should ask themselves:

What is the scope of the upgrade or new development?

The most important question to find an answer to when upgrading your software is why you are doing it. The key objectives you use as a mark, serve as vital information for the development team, and can help you figure out priority and critical areas for development. This will impact the level of resources you need to continue and give you a basis for understanding when and what you can get help with.

Do you have the skillset, internally - and is it your core competency?

Sit down with your team and find out if they have the ability to develop the best possible software. 

Building software is a complex process and the benefit of having an outside company is they can have access and knowledge on the latest technology that is being used. (Maxxor Blog) However, many companies don’t have in-house development teams because of the cost or demand for that kind of work on a monthly basis. 

On the other hand, some companies do software development for other brands, as their core service offering and this presents an ethical and logistical dilemma. When a skill is your company’s core competency, outsourcing this skill makes your business vulnerable. In these cases, it’s best to enlist temporary or supporting development, rather than putting an entirely separate team on the project. 

Outsourced Software Development

Do you have capacity?

Does your team have the ability and capacity to do this work while continuing to service your company on a daily basis? Very few businesses can afford a software team solely for building new products. This means that they are constantly dividing their time between your upgrades and their daily tasks. 

Your team may have the skills and the experience to get this job done but do they have the capacity with everything else going on? If yes, then you could think about doing it in-house as a priority - even if the cost is higher than that of partnering with other developers. If no, then it may be more effective to look at outsourcing the work to some extent.

Is your internal infrastructure set up for partnerships?

Agility in the software world is key and can help create environments where partnering with service providers is easier. Without the right communications and data-sharing infrastructure, it will be a complex task to plug in new teams and can create a myriad of challenges when working with freelancers or other organizations.

If your internal infrastructure is not geared up for remote and collaborative working, you’re going to have a problem. In these instances, you need to factor in the costs of creating this environment, although the benefits can be two-fold for your business. If you can’t do this, starting in-house may be a more viable option. 

What is your budget?

Budget constraints play a major role when going into a new project. And while the face value of one option may be cheaper, you need to take into account the cost of mistakes, setbacks, and not reaching the goals you want to achieve. Besides that, the training and infrastructure costs internally can add up fast and need to be considered. 

It may seem cheaper to hire more staff but will you have work for them after this project is done? Further to that S&C says “Businesses cut down their development costs up to 50-60% when they turn to an outsourcing company”. 

Typically, there is a lesser risk and cost associated with outsourcing, as you are not bound to permanently employ developers and not responsible for the overheads associated with third parties, however, in cases where they are too far removed from your team, you are likely to incur quality control and time costs. 

Who can you outsource to?

There are many companies that offer software development services, but quality and competency are two important considerations. At Digital Grind, we’ve got an established team of digital experts who understand the software and user experience design landscape. 

For example, we recently worked on a project with Moro Hub where we built a platform with an A-grade standard of accessibility. In that instance, the infrastructure existed for us to work together as a team and the result was an exciting new platform that could help Moro grow their brand awareness and continue to evolve. Their feedback? "Digital Grind developed our company's website, and they have done an excellent job. They developed a website that was more than our expectation and it is AAA accessible. They were very cooperative and accommodating; their flexibility in amending changes to meet our different stakeholder's requests was exceptional."

So, there are definitely instances where partnering or outsourcing your development can be beneficial to you and your organization. However, considering the checklist above, you will need the right processes and environment to make this achievable and should be aware of your core competencies - and the impact that outsourcing can have on your brand and clients. 

When it’s not your game, it’s best to handoff to an all-star team. Speak to us